Thursday, July 21, 2016

RSS is the biggest loser in Una, When Will it React with Vengeance

Una has once again exposed the brazen inhuman attitude of a small, but dominant section within the Hindu society towards one of its largest and inseparable part, popularly called Dalits. I have nothing to say about the likes of Anandiben Patels, Rahul Gandhis, Arvind Kejriwals and Mayawatis who lap such occasions vigorously to play as according to their political lines. The effect of such political maneuvering is only targeted towards some kind of political benefit and the rhetoric is, without an exception, to condemn the political opponents. So reacting to such shameful events politically has absolutely no value.

But such events has grave implications that go much beyond winning or losing elections. And it is not like such implications are so complex to ascertain that the Hindu society can’t fathom it. Much before foreign faiths started attacking the body and the soul of the Hindu society, such disrespect towards a part and parcel of its own existence started weakening the very roots of the idea of India. That prepared the ground on which first Muslims zealots and then Christian missionaries found their expansion endeavor a cakewalk. The bigger chunk of the Hindu society got disassociated with the roots of Indian culture and the study of Vedas, Vedantas, Puranas, Upnishadas and even practicing Yog became a fiefdom of handful. This started degrading the inner strength of the whole society and we reached in a state where we are now.

So, my concern is neither political nor electoral. My concern is entirely national and cultural. So why, after such events I never look for the reactions and rhetoric of the political parties or, not even the Government. The most disappointing thing for me after such events is the deafening silence of those who claim to be the protectors of the idea of Bharat. I always miss the RSS leadership, I always miss the VHP workers on the sites of such heinous crimes which involve atrocities against Dalits. I have had the privilege of witnessing the internal thought process of RSS quite closely and I also have had the privilege of knowing some of the highest echelons of RSS leadership personally. So, I know the organization really works with a 100% Hindu perspective and it has no place of any casteist hegemony in the concept of its Hindu Rashtra.

Then I always wonder why the Sangh’s leadership doesn’t think that events like Una or Jhajjar need urgent remedial action on behalf of the Hindu society. If ABVP or Bajrang Dal karyakartas think that mere sitting in a park with one’s opposite-sex (male or female) friend is like destroying the whole Indian culture, why don’t they act with vengeance when a mother or sister of some downtrodden caste is paraded naked in a village? Why don’t Sangh and VHP leaders go and camp in the villages where some Dalit boys are lynched only because their cattle intruded into a field owned by some babu sahib? Why don’t the blood of the organized proud Hindus boils when reports come in about fledging of some Dalits just because he/she wanted to ascertain his/her Hindu identity by entering into a temple? The list may continue for thousands of incidents, but the theme is same. Only 3 or 4 castes can’t take the glory back for Hindu society. If 80% of the Hindu population will continuously be got alienated from the roots of Hindu ethos and values, the society is destined to doom.

If the youth of 80% Hindu population is beaten black and blue on roads, how can the RSS even think of achieving the dream of creating proud and glorious Hindu society for which Dr. Hedgewar started the organization. If the RSS still thinks achieving the goal set by Dr. Hedgewar is its ultimate target, I appeal it to please postpone each and every social movement in favor of a true and homogeneous integration of Dalts and other alienated Hindu castes in the main stream, otherwise Narendra Modi might rule the country till 2040, but the very purpose of Sangh would be vanished. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Don't take it on its face value, It's a letter from a feared Kashmiri

Shah Faisal, the decorated 2009 IAS topper from Kashmir, has written an article in Indian Express. As this is an article from a highly respected Indian Government official who is also a native of Kashmir, it automatically acquires a great importance for people like me, who earnestly yearn to understand what exactly is the psyche behind all the brouhaha that we have been witnessing on the streets of Kashmir for last three decades in general and for last 12 days, in particular.

The subject of the article is very apt and relevant as Faisal appeals to the Government of India to rein in the ever shouting and chest thumping Delhi based so-called national electronic media in the backdrop of youth unrest on the streets of Kashmir. He has named four channels, Zee News, Times Now, Aaj Tak and News X. His point is that, as all the traditional communication lines between the Center and the people of Kashmir have vanished, what these news channels are running or what the anchors there are commenting are being taken by Kashmiris as a de-facto Indian government stand and attitude towards Kashmir and Kashmiris. In his article, Faisal has very rightly represented the Kashmiri pain and agony towards Indian state and the treatment they are meted out in the hands of Indian security forces.

But what Faisal has completely missed is the Indian view-point which he is supposed to exhibit being part of the backbone of Indian bureaucracy that is Indian Administrative Service (IAS). He has not, even partially, mentioned the outright and overt support Pakistan is pouring in to flare up the situation in Kashmir. He has not, even for once, mentioned the atrocities and trauma people of Jammu and Kashmir undergo with in the hands of terrorists. He is mum on the issue of numerous foreign mercenaries fighting the “cause of Azadi” in Kashmir and abundant funding the terror network in Kashmir is receiving from many countries.

Killing of Burhan Wani can in no way be equated to rape of a Kashmiri girl by “demon Indian security forces” nor it could be misspelt as a fake encounter of some college going innocent guy. So I would be expecting Faisal to tell us about how a patriot Indian Kashmiri mind perceives the stone pelting events, continuous attacks on police stations and CRPF camps, murder of a cop by drowning him with a police vehicle in reaction to killing of a dreaded terrorist. And also, being a top administrative official, I would expect him to suggest some ways to the Government of India in dealing with violent mobs by Gandhian tricks if he is to blame only security forces for killing of around 50 Kashmiris in the aftermath of Wani encounter.

At last, coming to the theme of his article again that is taming, if not gagging the Delhi based national TV media (as he has very categorically absolved the newspapers from his tirade). It is amazing to know if the people of Kashmir are so naïve that they think Indian Government is actually communicating with them through Sudhir Chowdhary or Arnab Goswami or some anchor on Aaj Tak or News X. And if it so, why don’t they take recourse under the coverage of likes of Burkha Dutt and Rajdeep Sardesai. Indian media is full of all time powerful journalists who speak exactly what Geelanis and Maliks and even the Hafiz Saeeds and Salahuddins would love to hear. If Indian government has not tried to tame those till date, what logic works in favor of Faisal saheb’s suggestion against those who are “fomenting the poison of ulatra-nationalism”  through their news studios.

Well, having said all these things, I do understand the compulsions of Shah Faisal. In fact, he has articulated it in his article also when he writes that he don’t want to get killed by his own people only for Rs. 50,000 monthly salary and Rs. 50 lakh interest free home loan. This is where his article originated from when a news channel, just in its quest to tell the Kashmiris (and to the nation) that Burhan Wani is not the way the youth of Kashmir should sail towards, put his picture side by side to Wani. It might be an honest story telling method used by the channel to differentiate how youth of Kashimir should drive their dreams to build their state from the ruins of terror, but seeing it with Faisal’s perspective, this story telling method really exposes him to utter risk of life and property.

So, I think we should not take this article on its face value and the takeaway for the national media is that please take into account the safety and sensitivities of local personalities while doing stories from and for Kashmir.